My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, October 30, 2015

Independence Day 2015

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

This year I had to work on the Fourth of July, so we celebrated the holiday the weekend prior. We always like to have a big celebration and this year was no exception. Daddy smoked a Boston Butt and a turkey and I prepared a variety of sides and desserts. Our company started to show up mid afternoon and you boys were excited to have some playmates.

Sarah finally meets Baby Grant

The traditional Flag Cake

Family shot, minus Sissy. She was away at GSP this year. We really missed her.

Mommy and Auntie Weesha - with a photo bomb by Kymber :)

And the award for "most festive couple" goes to Auntie Weesha and Chris

First 4th of Julys - Gage, 5 months, Gabe, 7 months and Grant, 3 months
I love you,