My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, December 15, 2014

Horseshoe Bend

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Monday July 7th, we met up with Matt, Molly and Ada down at Horseshoe Bend to play in the water. It was a hot day, so it was the perfect way to cool off and take a break from the heat. You boys enjoyed playing in the water, and loved exploring the creek bank.

Trying to catch some fish

Enjoying the cool water

Even Piper cooled off in the creek
I love you,

Independence Day 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I had to work this year on the actual 4th of July, but that didn't stop us from celebrating. We had a cookout and firework show the weekend before with our family and friends. It was a hot day, so we went down to the creek before everyone arrived to play in the water and cool off.

Your Daddy smoked a whole pork shoulder for the feast and it was delicious. We had an assortment of food and desserts so everyone was stuffed and happy by the time it was dark enough to shoot off the fireworks. It was a beautiful show and both you boys enjoyed all the colors and booms. We had a fantastic time this year and fun was had by all!

Pa took the kids on rides through the yard
Dinner time

We celebrated Daddy's birthday with all his friends

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Molly brought over a delicious and festive fruit pie

Piper had a playmate over as well - her brother Hank

Precious Payne family

On the actual 4th of July, we had our own little celebration. Your cousin Jett came over to spend the night, so you boys spent the day running around outside playing with him. I made our traditional flag cake and Daddy decorated it. Daddy shot off a few fireworks before I had to go to work. It was lovely. On my way to work, I got to see everyone else's firework shows, so that was the silver lining in working third shift on the 4th of July.

Our traditional festive cake

Cousin Jett got a hold of the camera and took quite a few photos
I love you,