My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spinning Gabe

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Here's a video of Gabe spinning around on the floor. You started doing this one evening and it was too cute not to capture.

I love you,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Running Buddies Reunited

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We've been having some beautiful weather this week and it's really starting to feel like springtime. I decided to take you boys to Kereiakes Park today for a run and we invited Elizabeth and Caroline to meet up with us. It has been several months since we went running together, so it was nice to be reunited with our favorite running buddies. After our three loops we decided to play at the playground. Gage, you went right to the play sets and down the big slide. Gabe, you had just woken up so you walked around and watched all the other kids play. You finally decided to climb a set and go down the slide. Caroline was happy to be out of the stroller and she walked around, exploring the great outdoors. We had such a great time today. It was a great workout and a lot of fun. I look forward to doing it again soon!



Gabe and Miss Caroline

Love this!
I love you,