My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Jett!

Dear Gage,

Your oldest cousin Jett turned 7 years old on November 7th. Olicia had a party for him the following weekend at a new place called Just Kid'n. It's a neat place with bouncy houses, slides, a toddler play area and arcade. You were not a fan of any of the bouncy houses, but you like the toddler play area and the arcade. We didn't have to give you any tokens, because you thought you were playing every game just by hitting the buttons. We had a lot of fun celebrating Jett's 7th birthday!

The birthday boy posing with his cake
Opening presents
Playing on the slide
I love you,

Friday, November 16, 2012

Air Duct Piggy Bank

Dear Gage,

Last night we discovered you have been using the air duct in our bedroom as a piggy bank. Daddy has a dish of loose change on the dresser that you decided to move to your bank. I've seen you drop a single penny down the duct once before, but that was all I've witnessed. Daddy saw you doing it last night and when he investigated the matter, saw that you hadn't just dropped one or two coins down the duct, but rather several. Nearly $10 worth! If you wanted the coins, I'm sure daddy would have been happy to share.

All your stashed money!
I love you,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Dear Gage,

This past week we celebrated Halloween. We started off the festivities by carving our pumpkin. You helped Daddy, or rather watched Daddy, clean out the insides. We used a stencil for our design and you helped me carve it out. Once it was finished, we dropped a candle inside and set it out on the front porch. You thought it was really cool.

Carving out our design
 The finished product

On Halloween, we dressed you up as Curious George and Daddy as The Man in the Yellow Hat. We went out to a couple of subdivisionsand trick-or-treated with Neenee, KD, Dows, and Jett. You and Daddy were a big hit and you all received a lot of compliments. You really liked seeing all the kids in their costumes and getting yummy treats from all the houses. We really had a great time and a safe Halloween!

Trying to steal the Man's hat
My little Curious Gage


All your treats!
I love you,

Boyce Chili Supper

Dear Gage,

On the evening of Saturday, October 20th, we went down to the Boyce Community Center for a chili supper and bon fire. The weather was perfect for the evening outside. We helped ourselves to yummy bowls of chili, pimento cheese sandwiches and a hot dog for you. Mr Thornton had brought a football for the kids to play with and you went right for it. You and Daddy played catch with your new friend Brady for quite a while. You also played on the playground and the haybails.

Playing football with Daddy
Playing on the hay bails with Brady
 After dinner, there was a white elephant auction. We watched as people bought and opened their gifts.  There were some homemade baked goods up for auction, so we bought a caramel cake. Not exactly a surprise or typical White Elephant item, but it was included just the same. And it was very tasty!

Daddy was excited about the cake

I love you,