My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Dear Gage,

On Saturday, May 19th, we went to the Benningfield's house to help them (and several other people) celebrate Charlie's first birthday. It was a beautiful day with a bright sunny sky, so it was perfect for the pool party that was planned. Their backyard was transformed into a baby waterpark. There was a blow up pool, a water activity table and a beach ball sprinkler. I let you walk around for a little while to aquaint yourself with the surroundings, and then it was time to get on your swim clothes and sunscreen.

You were very hesitant about the pool. Each time I tried to put you in, you cringed, pulled up your feet and started to pout. You were content to walk around in the grass, play with the water table and investigate the new terrain. Finally, after seeing all the other kids playing in the pool, it was time to give you another try. This time it was a success! You really enjoyed playing in the pool with all the other kids!

You loved the pool!

Fun in the sun

After playing in the pool it was time to watch Charlie eat his cake. He dove right in without hesitating and soon became covered in the yellow icing. Yummy! After cake, Charlie opened all his presents. We got him a little monkey spinning toy and I think he liked it best :)

I snapped this shot after he was finished with his cake. I think he was ready to get cleaned up. But he really did enjoy the cake.
He likes our present

You and Charlie

We had a great time at Charlie's birthday party, and you were a really good boy.

I love you,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Gage,

Sunday was Mother's Day. I had to work, but I was still able to spend a little time with my baby boy. I got a tree last week to put on the front stoop and you surprised me with a card that you signed yourself! It was so cute. We will properly celebrate this week now that I'm off work.

A quick Mother's Day picture!
I love you so very much sweet baby boy,

15 Month Check-up

Dear Gage,

Today we took you to see Dr. Chris for your 15 month check-up. We were a little behind (3 weeks) getting you seen due to my work schedule and other things, but we made it there none-the-less. You weighed in at a whopping 26.5 pounds (75th percentile) and 33 inches long (90th percentile). You've grown 3.5 inches since your last appointment at 12 months! You are growing like a little weed. Dr. Chris was very happy with all your progress and development.

Coloring in your Sesame Street book
You also got 3 shots today, and while you were sad for a few minutes, you've done quite well. You did get a little tuckered out this afternoon and napped in the recliner while watching Sesame Street.

Napping in the recliner
I love you very much,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Let me have that

Dear Gage,

When you decide you want something, you go for it. Even if it is stealing an iPad out of Sissy's hands! You were on a wild streak last night while I was at work, but Daddy and Uncle Jeffy caught several of your acts on video!

I love you,

Chasing the dog

Dear Gage,

Last night on your little wild streak while Mommy was at work, you decided to give the dog a run for her money. Apparently you have grown so tired of her ignoring you and not wanting to play, that you decided to show her who's boss. I sure hope this isn't a sign of things to come and that you were just a little crazy last night.

I suppose I should add that chasing the dog with a ball and trying to hit her with it, is bad behavior. Please try to remember that in the future.

I love you,

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who rules the roost?

Dear Gage,

It is quite evident from this video who rules the roost at our house.

"Sissy, let me see what you're doing. Sissy, let me get on your lap. Oh, you're playing a game? I want to play too. Share with me!"

I love you,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Creek Fun, part 2

Dear Gage,

I took another video of you playing in the creek today. You really loved picking up the rocks and throwing them. I'm so glad you and Jett had a fun day!

I love you,

Creek Fun

Dear Gage,

Your cousin Jett came over today after church and we decided to cool off with a visit to the creek. We went down to Romanza Johnson Park and waded in the shallow water. It was a little cool when we first got in, but that didn't stop you or Jett. You both took off and had so much fun in the water. You think Jett is super cool, so you really enjoyed playing with him. I'm glad you both had so much fun together!
I love you very much,