My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gage, Where is your hair?

Dear Gage,

You have started identifying body parts and I was able to get a video of your tricks. You usually answer right away, but it seems like you were a little distracted for this video. It's ok though. There will be time for more videos later!

I love you, Smarty Pants,

Unlocking the iPhone

Dear Gage,

A couple of months ago, you learned how to unlock Mommy's iPhone. I have to be very careful where I lay it down, because you like to call people out of my contacts, surf the web, pass my turns on Words with Friends, and who knows what else. I had it passcode protected for a bit, but I wasn't a big fan of that. And neither were you!

I love you, stinker,

Bowling Green Half Marathon

Dear Gage,

On March 31st, Mommy participated in the Total Fitness Connection Half Marathon here in Bowling Green. This was the second half marathon that I've run since you were born, and it was another tough run. Thirteen point one miles is always going to be a little tough, for me at least. If you were to ask some of the elite runners, they would say that they could run that without breaking a sweat. But your Mommy is not an elite runner, just a simple girl trying to stay in shape and enjoy some exercise. I had been training since the end of December, so after 16 weeks, I was ready for the race.

I went to the park by myself that morning to let you and Dada get some more sleep. The race started at Basil Griffin Park, went down Three Springs Rd, down Matlock road and turned around on a side road. You, Dada, Granny C, Pa, and Granny Dowwoe were waiting for me at the intersection of Hwy 242 and Matlock Rd. This was nearly 5 miles into the race, so it was so wonderful and encouraging to have everyone there supporting me. We turned around and came back through, so I got to see you twice! You weren't quite sure what was happening the first time I passed by, but the second time I was greeted with big smiles and even stole a kiss.

You and Dada made it to the park in time to watch me cross the finish line with a time of 2:02:15. This was not a personal best for me, but I was happy with it. Again, elite runners would snicker at that time, but I was very proud. So were you and Dada!!

Running with Therisa

Getting a kiss from one of my biggest fans

Almost to the finish line

We finished!
I love you so much,