My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Dear Gage,

Last night, we took you to the fair. We met up with the Salyer family and had a really good time.  We really wanted to take you on the carousel but you are too little to ride. Once it got dark, you couldn't take your eyes off of all the pretty lights. I can't wait until you are a little bigger so you can enjoy the fair to its full potential!

It was extremely hot, but we had rigged a little fan to the front of your stroller to keep you cool.

We watched Figure 8 Racing for the first time and you thought it was pretty cool.

You loved playing with Emma!

And you both loved playing in the grass!

Mommas and babies

I love you,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baby of Walmart

Dear Gage,

Today was not your first trip to Walmart, but it was your first time sitting in the buggy like a big boy. I'm going to have to remember to start packing the cart pad that we got for you.

I love you,

Monday, July 25, 2011

Puppy love

Dear Gage,

Today you played with Emma dog for the first time. She was so well behaved and really seemed to love the attention. You rubbed her fur and petted her head. It was so sweet. I'm glad you both get along so well!

I love you,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rub a dub dub

Dear Gage,

Today you took a bath with your three new friends. You had a great time!

I love you,

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have fun at work mom!

Dear Gage,

You and Dada always wave goodbye to me when I leave for work. It's so hard to leave that sweet, precious face!

I love you,

Basket fun, part 2

Dear Gage,

Your daddy sent me this picture while I was at work. You are no longer interested in the toys in the basket. You dumped them out and played with the basket instead!

I love you, silly boy,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Basket fun

Dear Gage,

You have recently enjoyed sitting in front of your basket of toys and picking through which ones to play with. You are really doing well sitting up independently! But sometimes you get a little excited, and we have to catch you before you topple over!

I love you,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Playmat Collapse, take 2

Dear Gage,

Your playmat could not withstand your playfulness again. Perhaps we should consider investing in a more stable device.

I love you,

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pass the green beans, please

Dear Gage,

Today we picked over 5 gallons of green beans and had enough (just barely, lol) to make you some food. I'm so excited to introduce a new, homegrown vegetable to your diet!  You really love them!

Lots of green beans


I love you,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Standing tall

Dear Gage,

You are not content to just sit anymore. You like to stand.

I love you, big boy,

Nothing runs like a Deere

Dear Gage,

We got this outfit as a hand-me-down from our cousin and you just look so darn cute!

"I'm ready to help in the garden!"

I love you, farmer boy,

Yo Gabba Gabba

Dear Gage,

Your future girlfriend Ada loves Yo Gabba Gabba and it has finally been added to Netflix. We turned it on for you, and you could not take your eyes off of it. What have we done?

I love you,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Funny face

Dear Gage,

This is your funny face. I love it!!

I love you, funny boy,

Friday, July 8, 2011

No taters, mom!

Dear Gage,

We thought it would be nice for you to try some garden fresh red potatoes. You, however, did not agree. Maybe with some butter and sour cream? We'll give that a shot when you're a little older.

I love you, stinker,

Walker fun

Dear Gage,

You really love to sit in your walker and play. I can't wait until your feet actually touch the floor so you can use the walker to its full potential!

I love you,

Sitting pretty

Dear Gage,

You have started to sit up without aid for longer than 5 seconds! You have to lean forward and use your arms for leverage, but you're making great progress! I am so proud of you!!

I love you big boy,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Giving "sugars"

Dear Gage,

You love to give "sugars" and Mommy loves to take them! There's nothing sweeter that a drooly kiss from baby!

Loving on Mommy

Loving on Granny Dowwoe

I love you, sweet boy,

Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby's best friend

Dear Gage,

You have just recently started to show interest in Emma dog. You are quite fascinated by this fuzzy creature. Poor thing is going to be in for a treat once you start getting around more. But I think you all will be great friends!

I love you,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day

Dear Gage,

Mommy has to work on the Fourth of July, so we celebrated a little early. It was a very hot day, but we were able to enjoy being outdoors by staying in the shade. We had several people come over for the festivities, so you had a lot of people to play with. You were such a good boy and you really loved the fireworks!

With Mommy and Daddy before the fireworks

Mommy's flag cake

I love you,